A temporary mural, by Bristol artist Cai Burton, was installed at the University of Bristol’s Cantock Steps in September 2021 to mark the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis. Commissioned by Bristol-based charity Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF), the 12-metre mural is located near the Biomedical Sciences building in recognition of the research conducted at the university towards defeating meningitis.
The colourful mural depicts motifs that represent factors involved in defeating meningitis – such as vaccines, diagnostic testing, and partnership.
The mural will remain at the bottom of Cantocks Steps indefinitely, situated between the Biomedical Sciences building, the Faculty of Engineering, and the School of Chemistry. The location was chosen to honour the University’s significant contribution to the fight against meningitis.
The WHO Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis is a world-first initiative. Despite great progress against meningitis in the UK, the disease continues to be a major public health issue globally. It is estimated to kill about 250,000 people annually, and leaves 1 in 5 of those affected with life-long after effects such as limb loss or deafness. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros officially launched the global roadmap, which sets forth a vision and strategy to defeat meningitis by 2030, on September 28, 2021.
Bristol is an ambitious, global city, so what better place to mark the ambitious global fight against meningitis? Several Professors at the University have contributed significantly to meningitis research over the years.
We’ve worked with families impacted by meningitis in Bristol and beyond for many years, so we’re confident that the city of Bristol is just as determined to defeat meningitis as we are. Cai has done a fantastic job of expressing the hope and determination of the Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis.
The installation of this mural represents a celebration of the work that has been achieved by Bristol University staff and students. We’re proud to host this here, and whole-heartedly support the WHO Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis.
I was very proud to create this mural, which aims to motivate and inspire the public to join the fight against meningitis. It’s amazing to think that it will be viewed by influential leaders and policy makers from around the world at the Global Roadmap launch – as well as thousands of university students over the coming months.
Further Resources
More on the Meningitis Research Foundation and how it is working to defeat meningitis and septicaemia globally