Work from the University of Bristol’s Bristol Common Press will feature at the Bristol Wayzgoose print fair this weekend. Letter press prints, posters, books and cards for sale.
Saturday 2 December
Open 11am to 5pm
Centrespace Studios
6 Leonard Lane
Bristol BS1 1EA
(look out for the lane on Corn Street next to Cosy Club)
Letterpress folk:
Bristol Common Press
Carl Middleton
David Armes, Red Plate Press
Bristol Letterpress Collective
Pat Randle, Nomad Letterpress
Sue McLaren, Verso Press
Princetown Press
Tim Jollands
Angie Butler
Sheena Vallely
Bristol Common Press is a working historical print shop located at the University of Bristol, founded in 2021. It is dedicated to exploring the historical practices and global cultures of print. We are a research and teaching facility open to the whole university, and colleagues based in the Faculty of Arts conduct practice-led teaching and research using our historical equipment. You can find more information on BCP here.